
CBM Archives Co., LLC offers deliverables-based information technology services (DBITS) through Contract # DIR-CPO-4973 vendor ID 1263464715500

The pricing on this store is reflective of the Texas State DIR Contract # DIR-CPO-4973. Please include this number on all Purchase Orders. All Public Entities in Texas can utilize this contract. If you are a State and Local Government entity and would prefer to purchase an CBM Archives Co., LLC product or service from a Texas Historically Underutilized Business (HUB), please review the contact information below for our HUB partners.

DIR-CPO-4973 Services Offered:

Deliverables-based IT Services (DBITS)

Application Development, Maintenance, and Support, Technology Upgrade, Migration, and Transformation; and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

IT Assessments, Planning, Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V), and Market Research, Procurement Advisory, and Contract Implementation Services

Click here to view the DIR Cooperative Contracts Program overview

For quotes, purchase orders, pricing, and warranty information, first contact us at:

CBM Archives CO., LLC
Vendor ID 1263464715500
Name: Cookie Gonzales
Address: 1779 Wells Branch Pkwy #110  B-369
Austin, TX 78728
Email:  contracts@cbmarchives.com
Phone:  (361) 241-2310 x102
Fax:      (361) 242-9886

Generate a purchase order made payable to CBM Archives Co., LLC and you must reference the DIR Contract Number DIR-CPO-4973 on your purchase order.

E-mail or fax your purchase order and quote form to your designated vendor sales representative.

Designated Order Fulfillers (Resellers)

iCaught, Inc.
Address: 3616 Far West Blvd., Suite 117, Pmb 309
Austin, TX 78731
Phone: (512) 453-2653
Contact: Kim Kuykendall
Email: sales@icaught.com

Document Logistix LLC
Address: 12701 W. State Hwy. 29, Suite 3
Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Phone: (512) 345-4600
Contact:  Kim Kuykendall
Email: Kim.Kuykendall@Document-Logistix.com

MicroAssist, Inc.
Address: 8500 Shoal Creek Blvd., Suite 4-225
Austin, TX 78757
Phone: (512) 794-8440
Contact: Donald Twining
Email: dtwining@microassist.com

Database Projects Group, LP
Address: 3112 Windsor Road, LP
Austin, TX 78703
Phone: (512) 971-0609
Contact:  Charles Golson
Email: CGolson@sbcglobal.net