Managed IT Services




The last IT company you'll ever need

Whether you’re starting from scratch or already have an existing system in place, CBM is equipped to effectively implement and manage systems of any size or complexity!

Our expertise

From managing IT operations at local law offices to collaborating with the FBI on securing and transferring sensitive documents, CBM possesses the extensive experience and expertise necessary to excel in any IT environment.

Advantages of Managed IT

Proactive Maintenance and Issue Resolution:   We focus on proactive maintenance, ensuring that potential IT issues are identified and addressed before they escalate into major disruptions. By leveraging advanced monitoring tools and predictive analytics, CBM can identify signs of equipment degradation or system vulnerabilities and take preventive measures to avoid downtime and data breaches.

Available 24/7 Monitoring and Support: With CBM Managed IT Services, your company gains access to round-the-clock monitoring and support. This means that any potential issues are detected and addressed in real-time, minimizing downtime and ensuring that critical systems remain operational. This continuous monitoring also contributes to better security, as threats can be detected and neutralized promptly.

Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing IT management through CBM can lead to cost savings. Instead of maintaining an in-house IT team and investing in hardware, software, and training, you pay for the services you need on a subscription basis. This eliminates the need for upfront capital investments and allows for predictable budgeting.

Focus on Core Competencies: Managing IT infrastructure can be time-consuming and divert resources away from your company’s core business activities. By partnering with CBM, you can shift your focus back to what your company does best, while leaving the technical aspects to experienced professionals.

Scalability and Flexibility: As your business grows, so do your IT needs. CBM Managed IT Services are designed to scale with your company’s requirements. Whether you need to add new users, expand your network, or integrate new technologies, service providers can quickly adapt to accommodate these changes.

Cybersecurity Enhancement: Cyber threats are a constant concern for businesses. CBM Managed IT Services often include robust cybersecurity measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, data encryption, and regular security audits. These measures help safeguard your sensitive information and maintain compliance with industry regulations. Click here for more information about our Cyber Security Offerings.

Access to Expertise: CBM is staffed with skilled professionals who possess a wide range of technical expertise. This means you benefit from the knowledge and experience of an entire team, rather than relying on the knowledge of a single in-house IT employee.

Reduced Downtime and Improved Productivity: Minimizing downtime is crucial for maintaining productivity. We can quickly address issues, implement solutions, and perform updates without disrupting your daily operations, ultimately leading to improved efficiency and higher employee productivity.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: CBM can provide robust disaster recovery and backup solutions. In the event of a system failure, data loss, or a natural disaster, your critical business data can be quickly restored, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations and maintaining business continuity.

Incorporating CBM Managed IT Services into your company’s strategy can deliver numerous advantages, from proactive maintenance and enhanced cybersecurity to cost savings and improved productivity. By outsourcing your IT management to experienced professionals, you free up valuable resources to focus on innovation, growth, and achieving your business objectives in today’s technology-driven world.

Let our experts manage your IT so you can focus on what matters. Get in touch now!